Beyond the Shahadah
Brief online training session called “Beyond the Shahadah” to assist you in real life situations when someone becomes Muslim with you and takes their shahadah in a street dawah environment. The common question that every da’ee would ask at this stage is: ok, so now that he/she has taken shahadah, what should I do next ? This course will teach you how to help them to build a solid foundation of Islam in their lives from the very beginning of their journey.

It will answer the following important questions that arise around the Shahada:
  • How can I get quality shahadahs?
  • What should I do next?
  • How to effectively keep in touch with a new Muslim?
  • What are the most important points I need to teach him from the very beginning of his journey?
  • Online training session at:
FREE Online video and audio dawah training - click here

New Muslims
Muslim Now is the new Muslim department of iERA dedicated to welcome, empower and provide education for New Muslims - click here for more information Existing Muslims should also take note of this course material so that they may better communicate Islamic practices to new Muslims and non Muslims.